The Equity Blueprint for Action focuses on improving educational outcomes for three student groups: African American, American Indian, and Latinx. This document highlights community- and research informed practices common among the three communities, as well as actions and recommendations specific to each community.
San Diego County Office of Education, (2021).
A collaboration between South County SELPA, the Equity, Disproportionality & Design Project, and the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST), featuring teachers and school leaders from award-winning schools. In this five session series, NCUST Executive Coaches Cara Riggs, Dr. Rupi Boyd, and Dr. Joseph Johnson will teach about five important practices successful schools have used to elevate learning to new levels for all students.
Equity, Disproportionality & Design, (2021).
The Imperial County SELPA has built a website full of resources dedicated to support the statewide system by offering collaborative consultation services to SELPAs who have identified needs associated with improving outcomes for English learners with Disabilities.
Imperial Special Education Local Plan Area, (2022).
This brief distills key lessons from the pilot phase of the Scaling Up MTSS Statewide Initiative and found that educators’ experiences with other tiered intervention programs fundamentally shaped how MTSS implementation unfolded at school sites. This was due in large part to the MTSS framework being too broad in scope to provide schools with clarity and guidance; too narrow in how student behaviors are assessed and addressed to facilitate innovation; and silent on issues of race and culture.
Chong, S., Ortiz-Gonzalez, I., Koon, D., Winn, L. (2023). Lessons from the Pilot of MTSS School-Site Implementation. California MTSS Research Consortium, UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools. Accessed September 5, 2023.
WestEd offers services for educational agencies to purchase support with: Developing a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of a Multi-Tiered System of Supports that will improve instructional practice in both general education core and intervention classes to increase access to standards-aligned instruction and prepare students for college and career readiness.
WestEd, (2022).
This brief report examine how a Multi-tiered System of supports (MTSS) can be improved to address the needs of all students.
Adelman, Howard, and Linda Taylor. 2016. “Rethinking MTSS to Better Address Barriers to Learning.” Addressing Barriers to Learning 24 (4): 1–8.
This brief looks at the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and identifies effective strategies that address the needs of students with foster care experience (FCE). It details the findings of a case study of Sweetwater Union High School District, based in Chula Vista, California, and its practices, programs, and policies that promote the academic well-being of students with FCE. Conjointly, drawing from interviews with California high school graduates with FCE, the brief includes students’ recommendations for schools.
Wollen, S., Gomez, A., Day, A., Willis, T., and Estrella, E. (2023). Supporting the Academic Success of Students with Foster Care Experience: Lessons from Sweetwater Union High School District. California MTSS Research Consortium, UCLA Center for the Transformation of Schools. Accessed September 5, 2023.
This guide emphasizes the importance of respecting and being responsive to student and family culture and language when developing programs, services, and instruction for English learners in the state who may have a disability that impacts their ability to learn.
California Department of Education. 2019. California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.