This flow chart explains the steps to determine if a student is an "English Only" speaker or an "English Learner (EL)." It describes the assessment that should be administered to determine EL eligibility.
Wagner, Ed.S., B. Bilingual Testing Referral Flow Chart.
This article discusses the struggles of distance learning with a focus on English language learners and students with disabilities. The topics it covers include: 1) Listen to families, 2) Making online learning accessible and 3)Focus on co-teaching.
Mitchell, Corey. 2020. Bridging Distance for Learners With Special Needs. Education Week.
This guide, prepared under the direction of the Special Education Division of the California Department of Education (CDE), provides educators with policy and practice for most appropriately and effectively supporting the educational advancement of student with disabilities who are also English learners.
California Department of Education. 2019. California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.
This guide, prepared under the direction of the Special Education Division of the California Department of Education (CDE), provides educators with policy and practice for most appropriately and effectively supporting the educational advancement of student with disabilities who are also English learners.
California Department of Education. 2019. California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.
This research study provides an overview of trends and issues in both underrepresentation and overrepresentation of English learners in special education. Contributing factors for variability, as well as recommendations for future research and improved practice are provided.
Counts, Jennifer, Antonis Katsiyannis, and Denise K. Whitford. 2018. “Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Learners in Special Education: English Learners.” NASSP Bulletin 102 (1): 5–21.
New York University’s Metro Center designed this tool to help parents, teachers, students, and community members determine the extent to which their schools’ English Language Arts curricula are (or are not) culturally responsive. This process provokes thinking about how students should learn, what they should learn, and how curriculum can be transformed to engage students effectively.
J. Bryan-Gooden, M. Hester, & L. Q. Peoples. (2023). Culturally Responsive ELA Curriculum Scorecard. New York: Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools, New York University. Accessed March 25, 2024.
This is a series of modules on distance learning. The modules cover technology, blended learning, social-emotional learning, continuity of learning, hybrid learning, COVID-19, learning loss, transition back to school, English Language Learners, distance learning strategies and students with disabilities. Modules: 1. Hot Topics in Technology & Pedagogy 2.Continuity of Learning 3. Learning Acceleration Series 4. Advancing Equity in an Era of Crisis 5. Distance Learning Consortium 6. Distance Learning Strategies 7. Rapid Response transition 8. Setting up Virtual Learning Systems 9. Distance Learning 10. Special Education 11. Community Engagement
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence (ccee). 2020. Distance Learning and Teaching Modules. Sacramento, California: California Collaborative for Education Excellence (ccee)
The playbook provides tools for educators, families, and community members to engage in policy dialogues and development processes to support the creation of a local policy document
California Collaborative for Educational Excellence, (2021).
This is a padlet with resources developed by the Imperial County SELPA and curated from existing resources to support and improve outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities. The padlet includes: 1. Resources developed as part of SELPA Content Leads in the California Statewide System of Support. 2. California Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities and PowerPoint presentation 3. ELD Standards 4. Unpacking ELPAC Task Types and Additional ELPAC Resources 5. Accessibility Resource Graphics 6. Alternate ELPAC 7. Serving the needs of ELs with Disabilities 8. Blueprints for Effective Leadership and Instruction for our English Learners' Future (B.E.L.I.E.F.) modules.
Imperial County SELPA. 2021. Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities. Imperial County SELPA.
The author analyzed the national special education data from 2006-2020 for students with diasabilites who are English Learners with a focus on trends and outcomes. The study discusses the implications for schools and districts and the need to address the changes in student population in to improve outcomes for students with disabilities.
Cooc, N. (2023). National Trends in Special Education and Academic Outcomes for English Learners With Disabilities. The Journal of Special Education, 0(0).