Describes a local change process, LEAD, which is grounded in cultural competence that addresses disproportionality in special education and other equity issues facing Indiana schools.
Shana Ritter and Russell J. Skiba (2006) Center for Evaluation and Education Policy.
This national study provides a comprehensive analysis of the instructional days lost due to out-of-school suspensions in 2015-16 for middle and high school students The study demonstrates how the frequent use of suspensions contributes to stark inequities in the opportunity to learn. This study will help you understand the impact on every social group and students with disabilities.
Losen, D.J., Martinez, P. 2020. Lost Opportunities: How Disparate School Discipline Continues to Drive Differences in the Opportunity to Learn. Los Angeles, California: The Civil Rights Project.,Lost%20Opportunities%3A%20How%20Disparate%20Schoo
The OSEP Symposium on Significant Disproportionality explored why this is an important topic for all of us as we work to ensure that children with disabilities, regardless of race or ethnicity, are provided educational services and accommodations that enable and prepare them for post-school education and career opportunities. The Symposium presentations highlighted the key topics from a national perspective, framed the importance of this issue for all OSEP grantees, and provided some examples of practices and strategies that help address significant disproportionality. In addition to the live event, numerous resources related to significant disproportionality have been posted for participants to use as they prepared for the event and as resources to improve services and conditions for children with disabilities in States, districts, schools, and programs.
This tool assists educators in assessing six domains when reviewing educational policies and procedures to uncover their potential inequitable outcomes.
Great Lakes Equity Center. 2015. Policy Equity Analysis Tool.
One of America's top ten educators, Linda Darling-Hammond uses this text to provide educators with a pathway to prepare students to meet the demands of a diverse and complex world.
Darling-Hammond, Linda, and Oakes, Jeannie. 2019. Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute.
Darling-Hammond, Linda, and Oakes, Jeannie. 2019. Preparing Teachers for Deeper Learning. Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute.
Este recurso es una declaración de posición y recomendaciones para lograr la equidad en la educación infantil. Esta declaración de posición es uno de los cinco documentos fundamentales que NAEYC ha desarrollado en colaboración con la profesión de la primera infancia.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. 2019. Promover la Equidad en la Educación Infantil. Washington, DC: Author.
In this series of 5 webinars, national thought leaders discuss the intersection of language, culture and disability from a variety of angles. The first webinar sets the stage for the remaining webinars that focus on data literacy, stakeholder and family engagement, research-informed practice, and systems coherence.
This article is adapted from a presentation for ZERO TO THREE’s Scientific Meeting held on April 27, 2021. In the presentation Ross Thompson articulated The Development of Social Categories and Preferences by Young Children, Dr. Andrew Meltzoff described his research concerning the ways that young children pick up bias from everyday experience and Dr. Walter Gilliam discussed racial bias exhibited by early childhood educators.
Thompson, R.A., Meltzoff, A.N., & Gilliam, W.S. (2021). Race, Equity, Bias, and Early Childhood: Examining the Research. Zero to Three Journal, 42(1), 5-16.
This journal contains six articles by a variety of authors that focus on equity and unconscious bias. Topics include examining systems and self for racial equity, equity warriors, racial equity through curricular reform, undoing disproportionate discipline, confronting racism together, and championing equity and diversity.
American Association of School Administrators. 2021. “Racial Equity: Examining Systems and Self for Unconscious Bias”. School Administrator, 3(78).
According to the author, the Racial Equity Impact Assessment (REIA) is a systematic examination of how different racial and ethnic groups will likely be affected by a proposed action or decision. The tool is used to minimize unintended consequences of policy and practice.
Keleher, Terry. 2009. Applied Research Center. Racial Equity Impact Assessment. Race Forward: The Center for Racial Justice Innovation.