This guide emphasizes the importance of respecting and being responsive to student and family culture and language when developing programs, services, and instruction for English learners in the state who may have a disability that impacts their ability to learn.
California Department of Education. 2019. California Practitioners’ Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities. Sacramento, CA: California Department of Education.
This series of articles on Inequities in schools takes a close look at some schools and districts that are engaging in hard work of embracing the goals of equity and turning them into action steps that are benefiting students. The articles discuss that black, Hispanic or low-income students schools may not have the same advanced courses as white, more affluent peers, teachers with long track records of effective teaching or are more likely to face harsher discipline. Articles: 1. In Pursuit of Equity 2. Data Reveal Deep Inequalities in Schools 3. How Onw District is Raising Math Rigor and Achievement for Students of Color 4. Access to Quality PD Is an Equity Issue, Teachers Say 5. The Simple Policy Change That's Getting More Students of Color in Advanced Courses 6. The Art of Making Science Accessible and Relevant to All Students
Samuel, C.A., Schwartz, S., Blad, E., Gewertz, C. 2020. Uprooting Inequities in Schools. Bethesda, Maryland: Education Week
NAMI partners with CDE to explain the importance of and strategies for supporting the mental health needs of youth; how families and loved ones can support youth going back to school during the pandemic; and ways to advocate and get involved in policy changes for youth mental health.
National Alliance on Mental Health, (2021).