COVID-19 Resources for Students in Special Education (WEBSITE)

This is a compilation of resources that the San Francisco Unified School District has collected on COVID-19 concerning special education with a focus on autism.


San Francisco Unified School District. COVID-19 Resources for Students in Special Education . San Francisco Unified School District.

Publication Date
Equity, Disproportionality & Design: Professional Development Series for Educators 2021-2022 (Website)

A collaboration between South County SELPA, the Equity, Disproportionality & Design Project, and the National Center for Urban School Transformation (NCUST), featuring teachers and school leaders from award-winning schools. In this five session series, NCUST Executive Coaches Cara Riggs, Dr. Rupi Boyd, and Dr. Joseph Johnson will teach about five important practices successful schools have used to elevate learning to new levels for all students.


Equity, Disproportionality & Design, (2021).

Publication Date

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Equity in IDEA

Ideas that Work

Funding Information

California Department of Education, Special Education Division's special project, State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP) is funded through a contract with the Napa County Office of Education. SPP-TAP is funded from federal funds, (State Grants #H027A080116) provided from the U.S. Department of Education Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the U.S. Department of Education.