The technical assistance guide provides a comprehensive overview of the theory and components of PBIS and functional behavior assessments (FBAs). The guide is useful for practitioners that seek to clarify their understandings about the purpose and use of PBIS and FBAs in practice.
George Sugai, Robert H. Horner, and others. "Applying Positive Behavioral Support and Functional Behavioral Assessment in Schools: Technical Assistance Guide," 1999.
This research article addresses the need to consider more deeply the contributions of applied behavior analysis assessment and intervention methods and to more clearly distinguish the influence of race/ethnicity from the influence of culture in school settings, all to avoid the pernicious effects of exclusionary disciplinary practices (e.g., expulsion and suspension)..
Sprague, Jeffrey R. 2018. “Closing in on Discipline Disproportionality: We Need More Theoretical, Methodological, and Procedural Clarity.” School Psychology Review 47 (2): 196–198.
This study examines a set of seven “positive outlier” districts in California in which students across racial/ethnic groups are consistently outperforming students of similar racial/ethnic backgrounds from families of similar income and education levels in most other California districts. In addition, these districts are achieving more equitable opportunities and outcomes across a range of measures. This cross-case study consolidates lessons learned from these seven districts in California during the early implementation of new standards in California.
Burns, Dion, Linda Darling-Hammond, Caitlin Scott. 2020. How positive outlier districts create a strong and stable teaching force (research brief). Palo Alto, CA: Learning Policy Institute. (accessed January 30, 2023).
The tool is designed to support district leaders implement school wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) systems. It is useful because it clearly defines and describes the different steps and processes associated with implementation SWPBS systems.
OSEP Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (October 2015). Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) Implementation Blueprint: Part 1–Foundations and Supporting Information.Eugene, OR: University of Oregon. Retrieved from
The Inclusive Schools Self-Assessment Instrument is an easy-to-complete measure which assists Local Education Agencies as they evaluate their success in implementing inclusive school practices. Dr. Frances Stetson designed this tool as part of an overall analysis of student access to rigorous curriculum within the general education setting and has kindly shared it with SPP-TAP for public use.
Stetson, Frances. Quality Standards for Inclusive Schools Self-Assessment Instrument. 2017. Unpublished Instrument.
This research article presents the survey results (n=140) and implications for the effective assessment of culturally and linguistically diverse children and adolescents. The results highlight a continued need for training in selecting appropriate assessment instruments.
Vega, Desiré, Jon Lasser, and Amanda F. M. Afifi. 2016. “School Psychologists and the Assessment of Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students.” Contemporary School Psychology 20 (3): 218–229.