Providing an essential counternarrative for white teachers in urban settings, the authors draw on historical belief systems and current events to reinforce the importance of their work and give strategies for improvement.
Moore, Eddie. 2018. The Guide for White Women Who Teach Black Boys. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin
In this video educational leaders discuss the challenges presented by and impacts experienced from implicit bias in schools.
The Voice: Highlights from 2018 (The Voice). 2018. Vialogue. EdLab Teachers College: Columbia University.
Integrating brain science, culture, and learning, Hammond provides information on using information processing to improve capacity for learning.
Hammond, Zaretta. 2015. Culturally Responsive Teaching & the Brain: Promoting Authentic Engagement and Rigor Among Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Students. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
A New York Times bestseller, this book provides a balance of stories and strategies to help urban educators to understand the realities of their students' lives and to recognize their strengths.
Emdin, Christopher. 2017. For White Folks Who Teach in the Hood... and the Rest of Y'all Too: Reality Pedagogy and Urban Education (Race, Education, and Democracy). Boston: Beacon Press.
In its third printing, Fergus, Noguera, and Martin's seminal text continues to help educators understand and educate boys of color within protective school environments.
Fergus, Edward, Noguera, Pedro, and Martin, Margary. 2015. Schooling for Resilience: Improving the Life Trajectory of Black and Latino Boys. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
This series of articles on Inequities in schools takes a close look at some schools and districts that are engaging in hard work of embracing the goals of equity and turning them into action steps that are benefiting students. The articles discuss that black, Hispanic or low-income students schools may not have the same advanced courses as white, more affluent peers, teachers with long track records of effective teaching or are more likely to face harsher discipline. Articles: 1. In Pursuit of Equity 2. Data Reveal Deep Inequalities in Schools 3. How Onw District is Raising Math Rigor and Achievement for Students of Color 4. Access to Quality PD Is an Equity Issue, Teachers Say 5. The Simple Policy Change That's Getting More Students of Color in Advanced Courses 6. The Art of Making Science Accessible and Relevant to All Students
Samuel, C.A., Schwartz, S., Blad, E., Gewertz, C. 2020. Uprooting Inequities in Schools. Bethesda, Maryland: Education Week
In response to the racially and ethnically diverse classrooms of this century, Rodriguez, Bellanca, and Esparza use this volume to propose a framework for expecting and acquiring excellence from all learners.
Rodriguez, Eleanor Renee, Bellanca, James, and Esparza, Deborah Rosalia. 2017. What Is It About Me You Can′t Teach?: Culturally Responsive Instruction in Deeper Learning Classrooms. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.