Through this work, the author hopes educators will identify what creates barriers for student success by analyzing data to help create pathways for schools to provide equitable service to all students. Included are tools for data collection and progress monitoring.
Fergus, Edward. 2017. Solving Disproportionality and Achieving Equity: A Leader's Guide to Using Data to Change Hearts and Minds. California: Corwin Press.
The Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change (IESC) at NYU Metro Center (Previously TAC-D) provides professional development, technical assistance, and consultancy to educational institutions in general and special education. The IESC’s mission is to disrupt, dismantle, and eliminate disproportionality by building the capacity of educators to implement Culturally Responsive Sustainable Equity-Based Systems that meet the needs of all students and families.
Innovations in Equity and Systemic Change | NYU Steinhardt., Accessed 9 Mar. 2023.
Moving from disorientation and denial into awakening and active participation, Hill uses this text (in the context of Christian beliefs and behaviors) to tell a story that allows white people to be part of the equity solution.
Hill, Daniel. 2017. White Awake: An Honest Look at What it Means to be White. Downers Green, IL: InterVarsity Press.