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Bridging Distance for Learners With Special Needs (WEBSITE)

This article discusses the struggles of distance learning with a focus on English language learners and students with disabilities. The topics it covers include: 1) Listen to families, 2) Making online learning accessible and 3)Focus on co-teaching.


Mitchell, Corey. 2020. Bridging Distance for Learners With Special Needs. Education Week.

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Funding Information

California Department of Education, Special Education Division's special project, State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP) is funded through a contract with the Napa County Office of Education. SPP-TAP is funded from federal funds, (State Grants #H027A080116) provided from the U.S. Department of Education Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the U.S. Department of Education.