The resource directory is searchable and contains articles, tools, recordings, and links to websites. The resources are also categorized by topics, including the five Focus Areas suggested by the California Department of Education. Use the Search box below or click on the topical links to access the resources. (Hint: Once you have done an initial search, you will be able to sort the results by Resource Name or Publication Date.)
This CDE-approved tool guides the examination of LEA practices once data suggest that serious and inappropriate disproportionate referral, identification, and placement of students who are culturally and linguistically diverse may be occurring. This rubric is ideal for mid to large size districts and supports their completion of a district-wide self-assessment and strategic planning process.
Kozleski, E., Zion, S. Preventing DISPROPORTIONALITY by Strengthening District Policies and Procedures — An Assessment and Strategic Planning Process. National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems, 2006.
Practitioner brief written for parents and teachers of culturally and linguistically diverse (CLD) students; discusses culturally and linguistically responsive prereferral interventions for preventing the disproportionate representation of CLD students in special education.
Shernaz B. García and Alba A. Ortiz (2006) The Equity Alliance at Arizona State University.
This article provides a method to bridge home to school through the use of a home to school bi-lingual journal which validates the experiences of Latinx families and learners and integrates it into the curriculum.
Lopez, M., Butvilofsky, S. A., Le, K., & Gumina, D. (2022). Project Recuerdo: Honoring Latinx Families’ Knowledge Within the School. Reading Teacher, 75(4), 429–440.
The authors posit that interpretation of behavior of marginalized students is susceptible to prejudice, bias, and racist ideology.The articles points out that although PBIS frameworks are increasingly used in schools to support students, students of color continue to be overrepresented as needing supports within these frameworks.
Taylor, J. C., Hanley, W., Deger, G., & C. Hunter, W. (2022). Promoting Anti-Racism Practices and the Cycle of Critical Consciousness within Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports Frameworks. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 0(0).
In this work, Stevenson describes schools where conflict is concealed and climates are fallaciously described as healthy.
Stevenson, Howard C. 2014. Promoting Racial Literacy in Schools: Differences That Make a Difference. New York: Teachers College Press.
Este recurso es una declaración de posición y recomendaciones para lograr la equidad en la educación infantil. Esta declaración de posición es uno de los cinco documentos fundamentales que NAEYC ha desarrollado en colaboración con la profesión de la primera infancia.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. 2019. Promover la Equidad en la Educación Infantil. Washington, DC: Author.
Este recurso es una declaración de posición y recomendaciones para lograr la equidad en la educación infantil. Esta declaración de posición es uno de los cinco documentos fundamentales que NAEYC ha desarrollado en colaboración con la profesión de la primera infancia.
National Association for the Education of Young Children. 2019. Promover la Equidad en la Educación Infantil. Washington, DC: Author.
In this series of 5 webinars, national thought leaders discuss the intersection of language, culture and disability from a variety of angles. The first webinar sets the stage for the remaining webinars that focus on data literacy, stakeholder and family engagement, research-informed practice, and systems coherence.
In an effort to reconceptualize how disproportionality should be addressed to impart organizational transformation, Fergus, Kramarczuk, and Voulgarides suggest moving beyond a focus on technical interventions.
Fergus, Edward, Kramarczuk Voulgarides, and King-Thorius, Kathleen. 2017. “Pursuing Equity: Disproportionality in Special Education and the Reframing of Technical Solutions to Address Systemic Inequities.” Review of Research in Education 41, 61-87.
The Inclusive Schools Self-Assessment Instrument is an easy-to-complete measure which assists Local Education Agencies as they evaluate their success in implementing inclusive school practices. Dr. Frances Stetson designed this tool as part of an overall analysis of student access to rigorous curriculum within the general education setting and has kindly shared it with SPP-TAP for public use.
Stetson, Frances. Quality Standards for Inclusive Schools Self-Assessment Instrument. 2017. Unpublished Instrument.