This is a padlet with resources developed by the Imperial County SELPA and curated from existing resources to support and improve outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities. The padlet includes: 1. Resources developed as part of SELPA Content Leads in the California Statewide System of Support. 2. California Practitioners Guide for Educating English Learners with Disabilities and PowerPoint presentation 3. ELD Standards 4. Unpacking ELPAC Task Types and Additional ELPAC Resources 5. Accessibility Resource Graphics 6. Alternate ELPAC 7. Serving the needs of ELs with Disabilities 8. Blueprints for Effective Leadership and Instruction for our English Learners' Future (B.E.L.I.E.F.) modules.
Imperial County SELPA. 2021. Improving Outcomes for English Learners with Disabilities. Imperial County SELPA.