This research study presents an overview of literature related to school- and teacher-based factors that contribute to issues of disproportionality related to social-emotional challenges and emotional disturbance. It concludes with the recommendation for an integrated framework of culturally responsive practice and social-emotional learning as an approach to target these factors.
Sciuchetti, Maria B. 2017. “Addressing Inequity in Special Education: An Integrated Framework for Culturally Responsive Social Emotional Practice.” Psychology in the Schools 54 (10): 1245–1251.
The report offers case studies of four guiding actions in practice of SEL and family partnerships. The report includes these guiding actions for school staff: (1) Begin with family priorities, (2) Transform power dynamics; (3) Build reciprocity and agency; and (4) Undertake change as collective inquiry.
Skoog-Hoffman, A., Coleman, B., Nwafor, E., Lozada, F., Olivo-Castro, S., & Jagers, R. (2023). Building Authentic School-Family Partnerships through the Lens of Social and Emotional Learning. Social and Emotional Learning Innovations Series. In Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.
Using multiple perspectives the authors performed a literature review of social emotional learning. The article includes recommendations for school leaders to consider when implementingsocial-emotional learning in their elementary school buildings.
Kaspar, K. L., & Massey, S. L. (2023). Implementing Social-Emotional Learning in the Elementary Classroom. Early Childhood Education Journal, 51(4), 641–650.
This is a guide for school district leaders interested in exploring partnerships and accessing Medi-Cal to meet the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students in schools. The guide gives an overview of what school district leaders need to know about Medi-Cal billing, how to integrate Medi-Cal funded supports for students, actions school districts can take and steps to integrate Medi-Cal into a Coordinated System of Supports.
Briscoe, A., Estes, E., Eng, A., Burness, M., Cazares, L. 2020. Practical Guide for Financing Social, Emotional and Mental Health in Schools. California: California Children's Trust/Breaking Barriers,
In this article, Dr. Bindreiff described the importance of balancing empathy for the challenges children with mental illness, income instability, and racism face with high expectations. The author argues that “warmth paired with high expectations requires we invest in becoming community builders, capable of seeing and developing what lies buried inside each student” and that warmth has a greater impact than competence on our assessment of others.
Bindreiff, D. 2022. Transformative Educators are Warm Demanders. Corwin Connect, (accessed January 30, 2023).