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Can Restorative Practices Bridge Racial Disparities In Schools? (PDF)

Using California Healthy Kids Survey data the analysis found that students who had larger exposure to restorative practices saw less exposure to exclusionary practices saw less exposer to exclusionary discipline, smaller racial disparities in discipline, and improved academic achievement.  


Darling-Hammond, Sean, Lauren Trout, Trevor Fronius, & Rebeca Cerna. 2021. Can restorative practices bridge racial disparities in schools? Evidence from the California Healthy Kids Survey. WestEd https://www.wested.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Restorative-Practices-Bridging-Racial-Disparity-Research-Brief-3.pdf (accessed January 30, 2023).

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Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in US K-12 Schools: a Review of Quantitative Research (Webpage)

This article provides an overview of restorative justice (RJ) in US K-12 schools, discusses implementation challenges, and summarizes the most recent two decades of quantitative studies regarding the effectiveness of RJ at achieving a range of outcomes. While RJ has become increasingly popular, there is still relatively little quantitative research regarding its effectiveness. Still, available evidence suggests that RJ programs can improve school climates and reduce student misbehavior and school discipline. Results are more mixed regarding RJ’s impact on bullying, student absenteeism, and academic performance. 


Darling-Hammond, Sean, Trevor Fronius, Hannah Sutherland, Sarah Guckenburg, Anthony Petrosino, and Nancy Hurely. 2020. “Effectiveness of Restorative Justice in US K-12 Schools: a Review of Quantitative Research.” Contemporary School Psychology 24, 295–308, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40688-020-00290-0 (accessed January 30, 2023).

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Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: An Updated Research Review (PDF)

This updated research review examines restorative justice as an alternative to traditional responses to student misbehavior in schools across the United States.


Fronius, Trevor, Sean Darling-Hammond, Hannah Persson, Sarah Guckenburg, Nancy Hurley, and Anthony Petrosino. 2019. Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: An Updated Research Review. WestEd Justice and Prevention Research Center.

Publication Date
Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: An Updated Research Review (PDF)

This updated research review examines restorative justice as an alternative to traditional responses to student misbehavior in schools across the United States.


Fronius, Trevor, Sean Darling-Hammond, Hannah Persson, Sarah Guckenburg, Nancy Hurley, and Anthony Petrosino. 2019. Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: An Updated Research Review. WestEd Justice and Prevention Research Center.

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California Department of Education, Special Education Division's special project, State Performance Plan Technical Assistance Project (SPP-TAP) is funded through a contract with the Napa County Office of Education. SPP-TAP is funded from federal funds, (State Grants #H027A080116) provided from the U.S. Department of Education Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). Opinions expressed herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the position of the U.S. Department of Education.