Interventions Designed to Foster a Sense of Belonging, Identity Affirmation, and Growth Mindset Improve Long-Term Discipline Outcomes for Negatively Stereotyped Boys (Article)
The authors hypothesized that high rates of discipline citations for students of color are the product of a toxic socialrelational cycle between students and teachers. At the heart of this cycle are harmful stereotypes that allege that black and Latino boys are “troublemakers.” That stereotype can lead teachers to perceive and respond to students more harshly.
Goyer, J. P., Cohen, G. L., Cook, J. E., Master, A., Apfel, N., Lee, W., Henderson, A.G., Reeves, S.L., Okonofua, J.A., Walton, G. M. (2019). Interventions Designed to Foster a Sense of Belonging, Identity Affirmation, and Growth Mindset Improve Long-Term Discipline Outcomes for Negatively Stereotyped Boys. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.