The resource directory is searchable and contains articles, tools, recordings, and links to websites. The resources are also categorized by topics, including the five Focus Areas suggested by the California Department of Education. Use the Search box below or click on the topical links to access the resources. (Hint: Once you have done an initial search, you will be able to sort the results by Resource Name or Publication Date.)
This flow chart explains the steps to determine if a student is an "English Only" speaker or an "English Learner (EL)." It describes the assessment that should be administered to determine EL eligibility.
Wagner, Ed.S., B. Bilingual Testing Referral Flow Chart.
This audio recording features a group of educational leaders discussing assessment biases issues in special education.
Romney, Lee. 2019. Black Families and Special Education. Conference Audio Recording. California Association of School Psychologists.
Black young people are more at risk of depression, anxiety, and stress due to the pandemic. The recent spotlight on police violence against Black people, students are experiencing paralyzing anxiety and grief. It’s hard to talk about, and it’s hard for them to find help.
Jones, C. "Black Youth Face Rising Rates of Depression, Anxiety, Suicide." Edsource, (2022).
This website features a collaborative of experts from across child health systems that have come together to advance the social, emotional, and behavioral wellbeing of California’s children and youth. The collaborative works across systems to improve access to services, facilitate innovation, and align the state’s vast resources around the needs of children.
Breaking Barriers. 2020. (accessed January 31, 2020).
This article discusses the struggles of distance learning with a focus on English language learners and students with disabilities. The topics it covers include: 1) Listen to families, 2) Making online learning accessible and 3)Focus on co-teaching.
Mitchell, Corey. 2020. Bridging Distance for Learners With Special Needs. Education Week.
There is increasing concern about rising discipline citations in K–12 schools and a lack of means to reduce them. A brief intervention aimed at encouraging an empathic mindset about discipline halved student suspension rates over an academic year. The authors found this intervention, an online exercise, can be delivered at near-zero marginal cost to large samples of teachers and students.
Okonofua, J. A., Panunesku, D., & Walton, G. M., (2016). Brief Intervention to Encourage Empathic Discipline Cuts Suspension Rates in Half among Adolescents. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113 (19) 5221-5226.
The report offers case studies of four guiding actions in practice of SEL and family partnerships. The report includes these guiding actions for school staff: (1) Begin with family priorities, (2) Transform power dynamics; (3) Build reciprocity and agency; and (4) Undertake change as collective inquiry.
Skoog-Hoffman, A., Coleman, B., Nwafor, E., Lozada, F., Olivo-Castro, S., & Jagers, R. (2023). Building Authentic School-Family Partnerships through the Lens of Social and Emotional Learning. Social and Emotional Learning Innovations Series. In Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning. Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning.
This website supports innovation and implementation of equitable learning environments that are grounded in research and the science of learning and development. The BELE Framework is a guide for transforming student experiences and outcomes, integrating across learning experiences, teaching and learning, schoolwide systems and structures, family, caregiver, and community partnerships, and district and state policies.
Building Equitable Learning Environments Network. Website accessed June 14, 2021.
This resource from Culture Abilities Resilience Effort (C.A.R.E.) provides recommendations for incorporating research on racial and ethnic disparities in education to everyday practice.
National Education Association. 2003. C.A.R.E.: Strategies for Closing the Achievement Gap. Washington, DC.